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Start Ongoing Singing Lessons & Vocal Coaching
We look forward to you joining our studio as an ongoing student member.
As an ongoing student of our studio, your teacher will reserve the same weekly time for you, after choosing your preferred option below.
Please note, if your time no longer shows, it may be because your teacher has already reserved your preference for you (please look out for a calendar invite). Please feel free to contact our studio - to confirm if required.
Enrolment includes selected resources in our member area or app, and optional performance showcase
Study Singing with our Principal Voice Teachers
Our principal teaching and coaching team each offer over 5 years of teaching experience, min. 6-8 years of singing experience and have completed tertiary and/or postgraduate training in music, vocal pedagogy and performance coaching.
Our Principal Teaching staff include Alyssa Cavaleri, Alisha Mishhawi, Brodie Baldwin and Prithvi Singh

30min Ongoing (PT)
Every month
Weekly Lessons w/ Principal Teachers + Virtual Studio Access

45min Ongoing (PT)
Every month
Weekly Lessons w/ Principal Teachers

60min Ongoing (PT)
Every month
Weekly Lessons w/ Principal Teachers
Or Study Singing with our Junior Voice Teachers
Our junior teaching and coaching team each have under 5 years of tertiary training and are currently completing their studies in music, music therapy or the arts, however have over 5 years of singing experience and train under the supervision of our director and principal staff. Our Junior Teachers are a great fit for young singers and children, or adult beginners.
Our Junior teaching staff include Julia Vaccaro and Vanessa Cecconi

30min Ongoing (JT)
Every month
45min Weekly Lessons w/ Junior Teachers: Julia Vaccaro

45min Ongoing (JT)
Every month
45min Weekly Lessons w/ Junior Teachers: Julia Vaccaro

60min Ongoing (JT)
Every month
60min Weekly Lessons w/ Junior Teachers: Julia Vaccaro
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