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"Carry Me Home" by Emily Wurramarra

Updated: Aug 22, 2022

Today, we’re sharing the music of Emily Wurramarra, whose sweet voice sings of maturity, connection and intent through her original songs.

“Carry Me Home”, is sung in English yet also includes spoken phrases in Amamalya Ayakwa or Anindilyakwa, the language spoken by the Warnindhilyagwa Nation.

According to one source, it is one of the most complex languages in Australia (Dixon, 2011) and it was lovely to hear in an interview Emily state her aim to “archive my language for our future generations…what better way to do it other than through music” (NITV, 2017).

Singing and songwriting is used as a form of linguistic anthropology, ensuring language, and socio-culture of is maintained and documented for many more to study, connect with and honour in future.

Her music is beautiful, relaxed and easy - I spent the day listening to her songs on repeat. Many are also easily suited to beginning singing, should you feel like learning one of her gorgeous tunes!

If I have quoted anything incorrect, or if you wish to add or make suggestions, please feel free to add or teach in the comments below and offering open learning amongst one another.

Sources & Further Reading: “Carry Me Home” by Emily Wurramarra (Milyakburra, 2018) - “’There is no shame': Emily Wurramara determined to preserve culture through song” - Interview with Ella Archibald-Binge (NITV; The Point) - Emily Wurramarra Website - Anindilyakwa Land Council - Robert Dixon (2011). Searching for Aboriginal Languages: Memoirs of a Field Worker. Cambridge University Press. AIATSIS - Teaching From Country - NAIDOC 2021 Heal Country! Theme - SBS Heal Country! Teaching Resources -



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